We have consistently paid our Investors their profits without delay. We return investor’s principal and profits at the end of the investment period.

(Minimum investment: N50,000 and Maximum Investment: N5,000,000)
Expected Returns on Investment: 17.5%
Duration of ROI: Minimum of 6 months
Pay Out: At the end of your investment contract duration, your bank account will be credited immediately. Guaranteed!
Investment Rollover policy: Partner must give a minimum of 1 month notice to the expiration of the current investment.
Purpose of investment: Farming
N.B. There will be a written contract between Kokumo Farms and the partner stating all terms and conditions that apply (No hidden charges).
You invest -We farm and Sell-You Make Money

Partner with us and own a farm without stress while money drops in your bank account. Wao! It sounds good right? Do you wish to invest in farming and are you looking for a trustworthy and secured platform to support your goal? Kokumo Farms will take the stress of farming off you so you can focus on other things while money drops in your account.
Our process is easy